How Can I Get My Ornamental Trees and Shrubs to Bloom?
Ornamental trees and shrubs can add a lovely pop of color to any landscape. But how can you ensure that your plants bloom each season and offer the best color?
Flowering trees and shrubs usually prefer a more acidic soil. If you are unsure of your soil pH level, test kits are readily available at most garden supply stores. Other simple measures can be taken to ensure an acidic environment as well.
Pine straw is a popular complement to landscaped beds and can be used in place of, or as a complement to wood variety mulch. Some DIYers like to shake Epsom salts around flowering shrubs to try to increase blooms.
At Canopy, we offer customers a tree and shrub fertilization option as a complement to any recurring maintenance service. This granular fertilization absorbs into the soil and helps create the ideal environment to produce colorful, flowery blooms. The treatment is also effective for evergreen trees and shrubs, which also add curb appeal to any landscape.

Proper fertilization adds vital nutrients that will also help your plants thrive throughout the seasons. When a plant maintains the correct amount of nutrients and water, it can typically withstand the summer heat and even maintain its health through dormancy to return to a flowering state again the following season. This, combined with proper maintenance and pruning set your ornamental trees and shrubs up for success. A little investment can go a long way!
Not sure what kinds of decorative plants to incorporate into your landscape design? Common flowering varieties include hydrangea, knockout roses, azaleas, and gardenias. Evergreen varieties that will keep their color year-round include boxwoods, nandina, holly, cypress and more.
When purchasing plants at your local nursery, be sure to tell them where you would like to put them. Another important factor in ornamental tree and shrub health is ensuring that the plant’s location matches its light and water requirements.